Seirbhís don Aos Óg, An Gort, Zone Youth Café, Sráid Seoirse, An Gort

"Seirbhís atá dírithe go sainiúil ar dhaoine óga is ea an tSeirbhís don Aos Óg, An Gort. Oibríonn an tseirbhís le daoine óga idir 10-24 bliain d’aois atá tá sí á maoiniú ag an GRETB. Tá líon mór eachtrannach ag cur fúthu ar an nGort, chomh maith le teaghlaigh atá ag maireachtáil faoi bhun thairseach na bochtaineachta, agus is é an toradh a bhí air sin ná gur tháinig roinnt saincheisteanna sóisialta chun cinn a d’imir tionchar ar dhaoine óga. Cuireadh an tSeirbhís don Aos Óg, An Gort, ar bun 18 mí ó shin féachaint le seirbhís a chur ar fáil d’aon duine óg a raibh riachtanais bhreise ina saol acu. Cuirimid sraith iomlán gníomhaíochtaí ar siúl chun freastal ar na spéisanna éagsúla a bhíonn ag daoine oga an cheantair. Reáchtálamar grúpaí fócais leis na daoine óga agus tháinig sé chun solais go raibh go leor spéise acu i gceachtanna ceoil agus i dtaifeadtaí ceoil, agus go dtaitneodh sé leo dá mbeadh spás acu le haghaidh cleachtaidh ceoil agus chun ceol a chasadh.

I bhfianaise an méid sin, thapaíomar an deis go fonnmhar nuair a tugadh an seans dúinn comhoibriú le Music Generation. Ón uair a bunaíodh an clár ar an nGort 12 mhí ó shin, tá an leas bainte againn as maoiniú meaitseála Music Generation chun uirlisí ceoil a cheannach dár dtionscadal chomh maith le teagascóirí ceoil a fháil ar chuir a ngairmiúlacht agus a ndíograis go mór leis an eolas atá ag aos óg an Ghoirt ar an gceol anois. Ní bheadh sé d’acmhainn againne, mar thionscadal, clár ceoil ar leibhéal chomh hard sin is atá ag Music Generation a chur ar fáil muid féin, ná ní bheadh na daoine óga a d’fhreastail ar na ranganna in ann íoc as teagascóirí príobháideacha.

D’fhéadfadh duine ón taobh amuigh a bheith den tuairim nach bhfuil ann ach ceachtanna ceoil do dhaoine óga ach is léir don fhoireann go bhfuil i bhfad níos mó ná sin i gceist. Tá na tairbhí móra a bhí ag an gclár seo ar na rannpháirtithe feicthe againn, idir níos mó muiníne agus féinmheasa, agus cairde nua a dhéanamh a bhfuil na spéiseanna céanna acu. Tá aiseolas an-dearfach faighte againn ó roinnt de na tuismitheoirí agus caomhnóirí, agus mhaígh roinnt acu go raibh an clár tar éis saol a bpáiste a athrú ó bhonn. Tá sé tugtha faoi deara acu go bhfuil an chúthaileacht curtha di acu agus go bhfuil siad i bhfad níos sona anois go bhfuil daoine aimsithe acu a bhfuil dáimh acu leo. Mar gur seirbhís spriocdhírithe atá i gceist lenár seirbhís, bealach iontach a bhí sa chlár seo chun na daoine óga sin a mbeadh deacracht ag baint le hiad a thabhairt isteach sa chlár a mhealladh. Maidir liom féin, is aoibhinn liom cur chuige comhoibríoch an tionscadail seo sa mhéid is go dtugann na daoine óga beocht agus fuinneamh don tionscadal gach seachtain."
Ruairi Leddy, Niamh Carrol, Oibrí tionscadail, An Gort 
"Our school has been very lucky to be included in the Symphonic Schools programme. Our 5th class pupils have been receiving weekly tuition in brass, woodwind and percussion from top class tutors. The children are really enjoying the opportunity to learn these instruments and our hope as a school is that these children will further develop the skills they are learning now by joining our local town band where they can continue to learn their instruments and have music as a way of enriching their lives for years to come."
Christine Connor (Principal), Scoil an Chroí Naofa Ballinasloe
"We are also very lucky to have weekly music classes in recorder for children from 3rd - 6th class and Kodály with 1st and 2nd class. These weekly classes form a very solid foundation in music education as well as being something that the children thoroughly enjoy and look forward to every week. Again, the tutor is highly qualified and highly skilled at delivering excellent music tuition to the children in our school."
Christine Connor (Principal), Scoil an Chroí Naofa Ballinasloe
"Gort Youth Service is a targeted youth service working with 10-24 year olds funded by the GRETB. In Gort there are a large number foreign nationals and families living below the poverty line which has resulted in numerous social issues affecting young people. Gort Youth Service was set up 18 months ago with the purpose of providing a service to any young person who has an additional needs in their lives.

We provide a full timetable of different interest based programmes catering to the needs of the young people in the area. During our focus groups with the young people music lessons, music recordings and space to practice/play music was high on their agenda. This is why when we were given the opportunity to collaborate with Music Generation we jumped at the chance. Since its inception in Gort around 12 months ago, we have significantly benefited from both Music Generations match funding to purchase instruments for our project, in addition to their music tutors who brought a high level of professionalism, enthusiasm and knowledge to the young people in Gort.

As a project we would never have been able to provide such a high level music programme such as Music Generation by ourselves, due to budget constraints and the young people attending would never have been able to attend private tutors, as it would be totally beyond their means. From the outside looking in, anyone could be mistaken for thinking that it is just music lessons for young people, but for staff it is so much more. We have witnessed first-hand the massive benefits this programme has had on the lives of its participants, be it increased confidence and self-esteem, to making friends with a similar interest. The feedback we have received from some parents and guardians has been amazing with some stating that the music generation programme has been life changing for their child. They’ve stated that their child has really come out of their shell and been so much happier now they have found their social circle. As we are a targeted service this programme has been a great medium to engage young people in the project who otherwise would have been difficult to engage. From my own perspective I love that this programme has a collaboration approach in that it brings young people together which a resulted in an amazing energy in the project each week."
Ruairi Leddy & Niamh Carrol, Project Workers, Gort Youth Service, Zone Youth Café, George Street, Gort
"Having graduated from my music school and going to college, Symphonic Waves has been the perfect way to remain part of an orchestra within a professional set up. It has kept me on my musical journey while also being fun and presenting opportunities such as playing in the National Concert Hall, working with the amazing ConTempo Quartet and of course our fantastic conductor Jimmy. For anyone contemplating joining the orchestra, I would say go for it, you will not regret it, I certainly haven’t."
Hannah Piggott – Symphonic Waves Member
"Bhí an t-ádh linn go raibh ranganna seachtainiúla ceoil againn sa fhliúit Shasanach do na páistí ó rang a Trí go rang a Sé, agus ranganna Kodály le rang a hAon agus rang a Dó. Thug na ranganna seachtainiúla seo bunús ceoil an-mhaith do na páistí, bhain siad an-taitneamh astu agus bhí siad ag súil leo gach seachtain. Tá ardcháilíochtaí agus an-scileanna ag an teagascóir chun teagasc ceoil den scoth a chur ar fáil do na páistí inár scoil."
Scríofa ag Christine Connor (Príomhoide)
"I have had unique experiences throughout my time in Symphonic Waves that have greatly developed my musicianship and made the world of orchestral music more accessible and enjoyable.

The opportunities made available by Symphonic Waves have shaped my appreciation of the skill of the fantastic mentors available to us in our rehearsals and residentials over the past three years. I am very grateful to have had such a chance to get feedback, tips and encouragement from such professionals.

Symphonic Waves allowed me to see my improvement as an orchestra member and as a solo musician. I started in 2017 as a second violin (hiding in the back desk!) and by 2018 I was a first violin and had completed classical grades with my local orchestra. The experiences we have had since, as well as the range of repertoire, has allowed me to continue my music education.

I have developed friendships throughout the West and beyond in my fellow members through a common love of music and desire to perform to our best abilities. It is a pleasure to play with Ireland's future musicians, music teachers and music appreciators. "

"Bhí go leor taithí leithleacha agam agus mé mar bhall de Symphonic Waves, atá tar éis forbairt ollmhór a dhéanamh ar mo chuid ceoltóireachta agus a rinne domhain an cheoil cheoilfhoirneach níos insroichtí agus níos taitnaimhí. Mhúnlaigh na deiseanna curtha ar fáil ag Symphonic Waves tuiscint na scilleanna dos na meantóirí iontacha a bhí infhaighte dúinn le linn na cleachataí agus ceardlainne chónaithe thar na trí bliana.

Táim buíoch an deis a bheidh agam aiseolas, rinn agus spreagadh uaidh proifisiúnaigh.

Theaspeáin Symphonic Waves mo feabhas mar bhall cheoilfhoirne agus mar cheoltóir dom. Thosaigh mé in 2017 mar dara veidhlín (i bhfolach ar chúl!) agus faoi 2018, bhí mé mar chéad veidhlín agus bhí na grádanna críochnaithe agam.

Lig na taithí a bhí againn ó shin chomh maith leis an líon répertoire dom leanúint le mo oideachas cheoil Chruthaigh mé cairdeas san Iarthar (agus aniar!) le mo chomh-cheoltóirí tríd ghrá choitianta don cheol agus fonn seinm chun ár gcineálacha cumais is fearr. Is pléisiúr é bheith ag seinm i measc ceoltóirí, lucht leanúna cheoil agus múinteoirí ceoil todhchaí na hÉireann."
Sibéal O’Dwyer – Symphonic Waves Member
Our Symphonic Waves Journey My daughter Niamh has been learning Cello for 9 years with Nickie Geddes and has been playing with the Galway Youth Orchestra for 7 years – starting with the Junior, then Inter-mediate and for the last 3 years with the Senior Orchestra. The weekly orchestral rehearsals have been wonderful by improving a player’s performance and the social side of learning to listen to other players and follow instruction for the conductors.

During the spring of 2018 Nickie suggested that Niamh should apply to join this new Symphonic Waves Orchestra. Once she attended her 1st rehearsal it was clear that this was going to be a new opportunity in the western region for young String players. I was very excited as I could see how much she had always enjoyed playing her Cello and this provided a new forum to gain more experience & improve her as a player.

Prof James Cavanagh has been a truly wonderful mentor to all these young players and they have had such fun and pleasure in learning / developing and creating beautiful music under his stewardship. He encourages all players to achieve their full potential – a true teacher.

The Annual Residential in Petersburg adventure centre is one of the many highlights. Full time professional musicians tutor all the orchestra members in their various sectionals, and they gain experience in playing in chamber music groups where all the players learn to perform without a conductor! The Social activities are considered just as important – i.e. the table quizzes, Open Mic nights & the sporting activities. Great friendships have been formed as a result of time spent together.

Following the New year residential in Kilkenny in early January 2020, a wonderful concert was held in the Baily Allen Hall in NUIG where Symphonic Waves played with the National Youth Orchestra of Ireland. This concert was recorded and showcased the immense talent of all the young players involved.

In February 2020 Symphonic waves were invited to play at the Festival of Youth Orchestras in the National Concert Hall. This was a very special occasion as it seemed that all the players just took this in their stride and played like true professionals. The Lord of the Dance piece was the highlight and had the whole audience captivated – it was just a fantastic performance and a proud parent moment. Collectively the time & effort invested from each player is evident.

And a special thank you to all the Symphonic waves team who manage & co-ordinate all the events & rehearsals.

Well Done to all involved. Nuala Murphy 21st April 2020
Nuala O’Riordain – Parent

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