A Recording and Music Video Workshop

6th Class Anthem & Graduation Song

For the 6th class of 2020/21, Covid-19 has disrupted many norms and has meant that many celebratory and group activities have not been possible to stage.

The 6th class graduation ceremony is one such event that will not happen in the way students have become accustomed to, but our bespoke and novel music initiative will ensure that the 6th class students’ exit from primary school will be marked in a very special way.

By working with our Musician Educators, the class will be assisted with penning and recording their own Class Anthem or Graduation song together. Over the course of two days (2 x 3.5 hours), participants will be introduced to songwriting, melody, chord progressions, rhythm, basic music recording, and audio engineering, movie editing, and filming skills.

a two-day workshop for 6th class

(Operated on a first-come, first-served basis. Subject to availability of Musician Educators & equipment.)

Students do not need to own their own instruments or to have prior music experience and all of the necessary equipment will be provided by Music Generation. This workshop is fun and collaborative and will give each participant a unique memento to make their final days in primary school most memorable. All participants will receive a digital download of their recorded song and an accompanying music video which can also be made available online through the school’s social media channels and website.

All COVID 19 health and safety measures will be adhered to at all times.

Musical instruments and any other equipment will be sanitised throughout the sessions. As per guidelines outlined by the HSE, all adults will be socially distant and wearing masks throughout the duration of the workshops.

Music Generation Galway County offers programmes of varying lengths to suit different terms and all eventualities. Feel free to contact us for details of our one-day 'Taster' sessions, a 5 week pre-summer programme or a full school-term music programme.